Error handling

By deconstructing errors from superForm, you’ll get an object with form errors that you can display where it’s appropriate:

<script lang="ts">
  const { form, errors } = superForm(data.form);

<form method="POST">
  <label for="name">Name</label>
    aria-invalid={$ ? 'true' : undefined}
  {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}


The aria-invalid attribute is used to automatically focus on the first error field; see the errorSelector option further below.


Most errors will be set automatically when the data is validated, but you may want to add errors after determining that the data is valid. This is easily done with the setError helper function.

import { setError, superValidate, fail } from 'sveltekit-superforms';
import { zod } from 'sveltekit-superforms/adapters';

export const actions = {
  default: async ({ request }) => {
    const form = await superValidate(request, zod(schema));

    if (!form.valid) {
      return fail(400, { form });

    if (db.users.find({ where: { email: } })) {
      return setError(form, 'email', 'E-mail already exists.');

    return { form };

setError returns a fail(400, { form }) so it can be returned immediately, or more errors can be added by calling it multiple times before returning. Check the API for additional options.

If you’re using nested data, a string path is used to specify where in the data structure the error is:

setError(form, `post.tags[${i}].name`, 'Invalid tag name.');

Server errors

In the case of a server error, Superforms will normalize the different kind of server errors that can occur:

Error type Example
Expected error error(404, { code: 'user_not_found', message: 'Not found' })
Exception throw new Error("Database connection error")
JSON response return json({ code: 'rate_limited', status: 429 }, { status: 429 })
Other response <!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset=...

These should be handled with the onError event, assuming the Superforms use:enhance action is applied to the form. If it isn’t, the nearest +error.svelte page will be rendered.

In general, returning a status message is recommended instead of calling error or throwing exceptions, as this will make even the non-JS users keep their form data.

Initial form errors

The default data in an empty form is usually invalid, but displaying lots of errors upon page load doesn’t look good. Superforms handles it like this:

If no data was posted or sent to superValidate, no errors will be returned unless the errors option in superValidate is true. This is what happens in load functions when the only the schema is sent to superValidate:

export const load = async () => {
  // No errors set, since no data is sent to superValidate
  const form = await superValidate(zod(schema));

  // No data, but errors can still be added with an option
  const form2 = await superValidate(zod(schema), { errors: true });

If data was sent to superValidate, either posted or populated with data, errors will be returned unless the errors option is false.

export const load = async () => {
  const initialData = { test: 123 };

  // Form is populated, so errors will be set if validation fails
  const form = await superValidate(initialData, zod(schema));

  // No errors will be set, even if validation fails
  const form2 = await superValidate(initialData, zod(schema), { errors: false });

export const actions = {
  default: async ({ request }) => {
    // Data is posted, so form.errors will be populated
    const form = await superValidate(request, zod(schema));

    // Unless we turn them off (which is rare in form actions)
    const form2 = await superValidate(request, zod(schema), { errors: false });

Usage (client)

As said, errors are available in the $errors store. It gives you high flexibility, since you can place error messages anywhere on the page.

In larger forms, the submit button may be far away from the error, so it’s nice to show the user where the first error is. There are a couple of options for that:

const { form, enhance, errors, allErrors } = superForm(data.form, {
  errorSelector: string | undefined = '[aria-invalid="true"],[data-invalid]',
  scrollToError: 'auto' | 'smooth' | 'off' | boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions = 'smooth',
  autoFocusOnError: boolean | 'detect' = 'detect',
  stickyNavbar: string | undefined = undefined,
  customValidity: boolean = false


This is the CSS selector used to locate the invalid input fields after form submission. The default is [aria-invalid="true"],[data-invalid], and the first one found in the form will be scrolled to and focused on, depending on the other settings. You usually set it on the input fields as such:

  aria-invalid={$ ? 'true' : undefined} />


The scrollToError option determines how to scroll to the first error message in the form. smooth and auto are values from Window.scroll. If the non-string options are used, Element.scrollIntoView will be called with the option. This is mostly used with nested scrollbars, in which case Window.scroll won’t work.


When autoFocusOnError is set to its default value detect, it checks if the user is on a mobile device; if not, it will automatically focus on the first error input field. It’s prevented on mobile devices since focusing will open the on-screen keyboard, causing the viewport to shift, which could hide the validation error.

If you have a sticky navbar, set its CSS selector here and it won’t hide any errors due to its height and z-index.


This option uses the Constraint Validation API to display validation errors. By enabling this, with use:enhance added to the form, instead of the standard messages, the Zod validation errors will now be displayed in the browser validation tooltip. Submit the following form without entering any data to see it in action:

Since validation is handled by Superforms, there is no need for spreading $constraints on the field. But the biggest win is that there is no need to display $errors, making for a minimal html:

const { form, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  customValidity: true,
  // Not required, but will use client-side validation for real-time error display:
  validators: schema
<input type="text" name="name" bind:value={$} />

The name attribute is required on the input fields. If you want to exclude a field from displaying the tooltip, add a data-no-custom-validity attribute to it.

Form-level and array errors

It’s possible to set form-level errors by refining the schema, which works better together with client-side validation, as errors added with setError won’t persist longer than the first validation of the schema on the client.

const refined = z.object({
  tags: z.string().array().max(3)
  password: z.string().min(8),
  confirm: z.string().min(8)
.refine((data) => data.password == data.confirm, "Passwords didn't match.");

These can be accessed on the client through $errors?._errors. The same goes for array errors, which in the above case can be accessed through $errors.tags?._errors (alternatively, use an arrayProxy).

Setting field errors with refine

You may want to set the error on the password or the confirm field instead of a form-level error. In that case you can add a path to the Zod refine option:

const refined = z.object({
  tags: z.string().array().max(3)
  password: z.string().min(8),
  confirm: z.string().min(8)
.refine((data) => data.password == data.confirm, {
  message: "Passwords didn't match",
  path: ["confirm"]

For nested data, use multiple elements like ["user", "email"], which corresponds to in the schema.

As said, setting errors on the schema like this is preferred, but it may not always be possible. When you need to set errors after validation, use the setError function.

Listing errors

You may also want to list the errors above the form. The $allErrors store can be used for this. It’s an array that contains all errors and their field names:

{#if $allErrors.length}
    {#each $allErrors as error}
        {error.messages.join('. ')}

$allErrors.length can also be useful to disable the submit button if there are any errors.

Customizing error messages in the schema

Most methods in the validation schema has a parameter for a custom error message, so you can just add them there. For example with Zod:

const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(2, "Name is too short."),
  email: z.string().email("That's a strange email.")

This is also a good place for translation strings.

Test it out

This form has aria-invalid set on erroneous fields, and lists all errors on top of the form using $allErrors. Try to submit and see that the first error field gets focus automatically (unless on mobile).

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