Single-page applications (SPA)

It’s possible to use the whole Superforms library on the client, for example in single page applications or when you want to call an external API instead of the SvelteKit form actions. A SPA is easy to create with SvelteKit, documented here.


const { form, enhance } = superForm(data, {
  SPA: true | { failStatus: number }
  validators: false | ClientValidationAdapter<S>

By setting the SPA option to true, the form won’t be sent to the server when submitted. Instead, the client-side validators option will determine if the form is valid, and you can then use the onUpdate event as a submit handler, for example to call an external API with the form data.

Using +page.ts instead of +page.server.ts

Since SPA pages don’t have a server representation, you can use +page.ts to load initial data. Combined with a route parameter, we can make a CRUD-like page in a straightforward manner:


import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { superValidate } from 'sveltekit-superforms';
import { zod } from 'sveltekit-superforms/adapters';
import { z } from 'zod';

export const _userSchema = z.object({
  id: z.number().int().positive(),
  name: z.string().min(2),
  email: z.string().email()

export const load = async ({ params, fetch }) => {
  const id = parseInt(;

  const request = await fetch(
  if (request.status >= 400) throw error(request.status);

  const userData = await request.json();
  const form = await superValidate(userData, zod(_userSchema));

  return { form };

Displaying the form

We display the form in +page.svelte like before, but with the SPA option added, and the onUpdate event now being used to validate the form data, instead of on the server:


<script lang="ts">
  import { superForm, setMessage, setError } from 'sveltekit-superforms';
  import { _userSchema } from './+page.js';
  import { zod } from 'sveltekit-superforms/adapters';

  export let data;

  const { form, errors, message, constraints, enhance } = superForm(
      SPA: true,
      validators: zod(_userSchema),
      onUpdate({ form }) {
        // Form validation
        if ('spam')) {
          setError(form, 'email', 'Suspicious email address.');
        } else if (form.valid) {
          // TODO: Call an external API with, await the result and update form
          setMessage(form, 'Valid data!');

<h1>Edit user</h1>

{#if $message}<h3>{$message}</h3>{/if}

<form method="POST" use:enhance>
    Name<br />
      aria-invalid={$ ? 'true' : undefined}
      {...$} />
  {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}

    E-mail<br />
      aria-invalid={$ ? 'true' : undefined}
      {...$} />
  {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}


The validation in onUpdate is almost the same as validating in a form action on the server. Nothing needs to be returned at the end since all modifications to the form parameter in onUpdate will update the form.

Without a +page.ts file

Since you can’t use top-level await in Svelte components, you can’t use superValidate directly in +page.svelte, as it is async. But if you want the default values only for the schema, you can import defaults to avoid having a +page.ts.

<script lang="ts">
  import { superForm, defaults } from 'sveltekit-superforms';
  import { zod } from 'sveltekit-superforms/adapters';
  import { loginSchema } from '$lib/schemas';

  const { form, errors, enhance } = superForm(defaults(zod(loginSchema)), {
    SPA: true,
    validators: zod(loginSchema),
    onUpdate({ form }) {
      if (form.valid) {
        // TODO: Call an external API with, await the result and update form

With initial top-level data

If you have initial data in the top level of the component, you can pass it as a first parameter to defaults, but remember that it won’t be validated. There’s a trick though; if you want to show errors for the initial data, you can call validateForm directly after superForm. The validators option must be set for this to work:

const initialData = { name: 'New user' };

const { form, errors, enhance, validateForm } = superForm(
  defaults(initialData, zod(loginSchema)), {
    SPA: true,
    validators: zod(loginSchema)
    // ...

validateForm({ update: true });

SPA action form

Sometimes you want a fetch function for a form field or a list of items, for example checking if a username is valid while entering it, or deleting rows in a list of data. Instead of doing this manually with fetch, which cannot take advantage of Superforms’ loading timers, events and other functionality, you can create a “SPA action form”, a hidden form that does most of the work, with the convenience you get from superForm:

const { submitting, submit } = superForm(
  { username: '' },
    SPA: '?/check',
    onSubmit({ cancel, formData }) {
      if (!$form.username) cancel();
      formData.set('username', $form.username);
    onUpdated({ form }) {
      $errors.username = form.errors.username;

const checkUsername = debounce(300, submit);

A SPA action form takes a SuperValidated object as usual as the first parameter, or you can specify default values directly as in the example. Then you specify the form action URL in the SPA option, and you have a hidden form that you can populate in the onSubmit event, or its enhance method can be used on any number of forms on the page (one for each row in a list of data).

Create a form action for it:

const usernameSchema = fullSchema.pick({ username: true });

export const actions: Actions = {
  check: async ({ request }) => {
    const form = await superValidate(request, zod(usernameSchema));

    if (!form.valid) return fail(400, { form });
    if(!checkUsername( {
      setError(form, 'username', 'Username is already taken.');

    return { form };

And finally, an on:input event on the input field:

  aria-invalid={$errors.username ? 'true' : undefined}
{#if $submitting}<img src={spinner} alt="Checking availability" />
{:else if $errors.username}<div class="invalid">{$errors.username}</div>{/if}

A full example of a username check is available on SvelteLab.

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