
A number of events give you full control over the submit process. They are triggered every time the form is submitted.

Event flowchart

Event flowchart


const { form, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  onSubmit: ({ action, formData, formElement, controller, submitter, cancel }) => void
  onResult: ({ result, formEl, cancel }) => void
  onUpdate: ({ form, cancel }) => void
  onUpdated: ({ form }) => void
  onError: (({ result, message }) => void) | 'apply'


onSubmit: ({
  action, formData, formElement, controller, submitter, cancel,
  jsonData, validators, customRequest
}) => void;

The onSubmit event is the first one triggered, being essentially the same as SvelteKit’s own use:enhance function. It gives you a chance to cancel the submission altogether. See the SvelteKit docs for most of the SubmitFunction signature.

There are also three extra properties in the Superforms onSubmit event, for more advanced scenarios:


If you’re using nested data, the formData property cannot be used to modify the posted data, since $form is serialized and posted instead. If you want to post something else than $form, you can do it with the jsonData function:

import { superForm, type FormPath } from 'sveltekit-superforms'

const { form, enhance, isTainted } = superForm(data.form, {
  dataType: 'json',
  onSubmit({ jsonData }) {
    // Only post tainted (top-level) fields
    const taintedData = Object.fromEntries(
      Object.entries($form).filter(([key]) => {
        return isTainted(key as FormPath<typeof $form>)
    // Set data to be posted

Note that if client-side validation is enabled, it’s always $form that will be validated. Only if it passes validation, the data sent with jsonData will be used. It does not work in SPA mode either, as data transformation can be handled in onUpdate in that case.


For advanced validation, you can change client-side validators for the current form submission with this function.

import { superForm } from 'sveltekit-superforms';
import { zod } from 'sveltekit-superforms/adapters';
import { customSchema } from './schemas.js';

let step = 1;
const lastStep = 5;

const { form, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  onSubmit({ validators }) {
    if(step == 1) validators(zod(customSchema));
    else if(step == lastStep) validators(false);


You can make a custom request with fetch or XMLHttpRequest when submitting the form. The main use case is to display a progress bar when uploading large files.

The customRequest option takes a function that should return a Promise<Response | XMLHttpRequest>. In the case of an XMLHttpRequest, the promise must be resolved after the request is complete. The response body should contain an ActionResult, as any form action does.

import { superForm } from 'sveltekit-superforms';
import type { SubmitFunction } from '@sveltejs/kit';

let progress = 0;

function fileUploadWithProgress(input: Parameters<SubmitFunction>[0]) {
  return new Promise<XMLHttpRequest>((resolve) => {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

    xhr.upload.onprogress = function (event) {
      progress = Math.round((100 * event.loaded) /;

    xhr.onload = function () {
      if (xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) {
        progress = 0;
    };'POST', input.action, true);

const { form, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  onSubmit({ customRequest }) {


onResult: ({ result, formElement, cancel }) => void

If the submission isn’t cancelled and client-side validation succeeds, the form is posted to the server. It then responds with a SvelteKit ActionResult, triggering the onResult event.

result contains the ActionResult. You can modify it; changes will be applied further down the event chain. formElement is the HTMLFormElement of the form. cancel() is a function which will cancel the rest of the event chain and any form updates.

Common usage

onResult is useful when you have set applyAction = false and still want to redirect, since the form doesn’t do that automatically in that case. Then you can do:

const { form, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  applyAction: false,
  onResult({ result }) {
    if (result.type === 'redirect') {

Also, if applyAction is false, which means that $page.status won’t update, you’ll find the status code for the request in result.status.


onUpdate: ({ form, formElement, cancel, result }) => void

The onUpdate event is triggered right before the form update is being applied, giving you the option to modify the validation result in form, or use cancel() to negate the update altogether. You also have access to the form’s HTMLFormElement with formElement.

If your app is a single-page application, onUpdate is the most convenient to process the form data. See the SPA page for more details.

You can also access the ActionResult in result, which is narrowed to type 'success' or 'failure' here. You can use it together with the FormResult helper type to more conventiently access any additional form action data:

import { superForm, type FormResult } from 'sveltekit-superforms';
import type { ActionData, PageData } from './$types.js';

export let data: PageData;

const { form, errors, message, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  onUpdate({ form, result }) {
    const action = as FormResult<ActionData>;
    // If you've returned from the form action:
    // return { form, extra: 123 }
    if (form.valid && action.extra) {
      // Do something with the extra data


onUpdated: ({ form }) => void

If you just want to ensure that the form is validated and do something extra afterwards, like showing a toast notification, onUpdated is the easiest way.

The form parameter contains the validation result, and should be considered read-only here, since the stores have updated at this point. Unlike the previous events, $form, $errors and the other stores now contain updated data.


const { form, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  onUpdated({ form }) {
    if (form.valid) {
      // Successful post! Do some more client-side stuff,
      // like showing a toast notification.
      toast(form.message, { icon: '✅' });


onError: (({ result }) => void) | 'apply'

When the SvelteKit error function is called on the server, you can use the onError event to catch it. result is the error ActionResult, with its error property:

App.Error | Error | { message: string }

Depending on what kind of error occurs, it will have a different shape.

Error type Shape
Expected error App.Error
Server exception { message: string }
JSON response Unexpected JSON responses, such as from a proxy server, should be included in App.Error to be type-safe.
Other response If a fetch fails, or HTML is returned for example, result.error will be of type Error (MDN), usually with a JSON parse error. It has a message property.

In this simple example, the message store is set to the error message or a fallback:

const { form, enhance, message } = superForm(data.form, {
  onError({ result }) {
    $message = result.error.message || "Unknown error";

If JSON is returned, the HTTP status code will be taken from its status property, instead of the default status 500 for unexpected errors.

You can also set onError to the string value 'apply', in which case the default SvelteKit error behaviour will be used, which is to render the nearest +error page, also wiping out the form. To avoid data loss even for non-JavaScript users, returning a status message instead of throwing an error is recommended.

Non-submit events


The onChange event is not triggered when submitting, but every time $form is modified, both as a html event (when modified with bind:value) and programmatically (direct assignment to $form).

The event is a discriminated union that you can distinguish between using the target property:

const { form, errors, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  onChange(event) {
    if( {
      // Form input event
        event.path, 'was changed with',, 
        'in form', event.formElement
    } else {
      // Programmatic event
      console.log('Fields updated:', event.paths)

If you want to handle all change events, you can access event.paths without distinguishing.

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